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Alexis Liu2023-123 min read

Empowering Brands From Within With In-house Technology

Empowering Brands From Within With In-house Technology

Historically, the fashion and textile industry has been navigating the complex realm of sustainability, often relying heavily on external sources for guidance and verification. This reliance has traditionally involved external audits, third-party assessments, and consultancy firms - the go-to resources for brands aiming to establish and communicate their sustainability efforts. These external entities bring a wealth of expertise and offer a valuable third-person perspective. However, their approach can sometimes lead to a disconnect. The insights provided, while accurate, may not offer the real-time depth and immediacy required for brands to implement swift, impactful changes. This gap in real-time understanding can be critical in an industry that is fast-paced and constantly evolving.


The Revolution of In-House Technology

With the relentless advancement of technology, a paradigm shift is occurring. Brands now have the opportunity to transition from these conventional external methods to a more dynamic, in-house approach. In-house technology platforms are revolutionizing the industry by providing immediate, intuitive insights, much like the transition from periodic health reports to continuous health monitoring. This in-house capability is crucial for several reasons:

  • It offers real-time feedback, allowing for quick, informed decisions.
  • It enables immediate interventions and adjustments, crucial in a fast-paced industry.
  • It fosters a deeper, more attuned understanding of a brand's sustainability impact.

By adopting these platforms, brands gain ongoing insights into their environmental footprint, enabling them to be more agile, responsive, and adaptive in their sustainability practices.


Synergy Between Material Selection and ESG Compliance

A significant advantage of in-house technology is the seamless integration of material selection with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) compliance. This integration transforms the traditional approach of treating material choice and ESG factors as separate considerations. Through technology, these aspects are brought together in a cohesive, interactive ecosystem.

For instance, a designer working on a new collection can access real-time data on the environmental impact of different materials directly on their screen. As they switch between fabric choices, key metrics like carbon footprint, water usage, or waste generation dynamically update. This immediate feedback loop embeds sustainability considerations into the product's design phase, ensuring that environmental impact is a primary consideration alongside aesthetics and cost.

This synergy not only speeds up the product development process but also enriches it. Design decisions become multifaceted, incorporating ecological impact as a fundamental factor, balancing it with other elements like color, texture, and price.

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Proactivity Over Retrofitting: The Sustainable Core

A significant shift brought about by in-house technology is the move from retrofitting sustainability to embedding it at the core of brand strategy. Traditionally, many brands have adopted sustainability as an afterthought, applying it to products post-development or even post-launch. This approach is akin to building a structure and then trying to fortify its foundation - inefficient and unstable.

In contrast, in-house technology platforms enable brands to integrate sustainability from the outset. This proactive approach means that every aspect of product development, from material selection to manufacturing processes, is influenced by sustainability considerations. This ensures that sustainability is not an added feature but the very essence of the brand narrative.

In-house technology platforms offer immediacy, depth, and holistic integration, crucial for modern brands. By shifting from periodic external evaluations to continuous, in-depth internal insights, brands are not just enhancing their capabilities; they are fundamentally transforming from within. This transformation is not just about keeping up with trends; it's about leading the charge in a more sustainable, responsible fashion industry.

Find out more about how to hit your sustainability goals by booking a demo.


Alexis Liu

Hailing from the United Kingdom, Alexis Liu is the Head of International Business Growth at Alexis helps to bring our story to an international audience of brands, designers, and suppliers. Alexis has over twenty years of experience in B2B digital marketing and business development.