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Alexis Liu2024-064 min read

The Impact of Digital Product Creation on On-Demand Manufacturing

The fashion and textile industry has a centuries-long history of evolution. From ancient handwoven fabrics to the mechanized looms of the Industrial Revolution, technological advancements have continually transformed the sector.

The 18th-century Industrial Revolution introduced machinery like the spinning jenny, water frame, and power loom, revolutionizing textile manufacturing and leading to the rise of large factories and standardized production.

By the mid-20th century, manufacturing relied heavily on these methods. The introduction of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) in the 1960s and 1970s allowed designers to create and modify designs digitally, though often in isolation from physical production.

The late 20th and early 21st centuries brought the internet and advanced digital technologies, paving the way for Digital Product Creation (DPC). DPC integrates all aspects of product development into a comprehensive digital workflow, contrasting with earlier, siloed digital tools.


The Current Situation



Today, DPC is revolutionizing the fashion and textile industry. By leveraging advanced technologies such as 3D modeling, AI, and digital fabric simulation, DPC allows for a more agile, efficient, and sustainable production process. On-Demand Manufacturing (ODM) is a direct beneficiary of these advancements.

ODM enables brands to produce garments only when there is a confirmed order, significantly reducing waste and allowing for greater customization. This model is particularly advantageous in today's fast-paced market, where consumer preferences are constantly evolving. The integration of DPC into ODM processes ensures that designs can be quickly adjusted and produced, meeting the exact specifications of customers with minimal lead time.





Despite the significant benefits of Digital Product Creation (DPC) in On-Demand Manufacturing (ODM), there are challenges that need to be addressed to fully realize its potential.

One of the primary challenges is data integration. Ensuring seamless integration of digital tools and data across the entire supply chain is critical. Many companies still operate with siloed systems, making it difficult to achieve a fully integrated digital workflow. This lack of integration can hinder the efficiency and effectiveness of DPC and ODM processes.

Technology adoption is another hurdle. While large brands may have the resources to invest in advanced DPC tools, smaller companies and traditional manufacturers often struggle to keep up with the rapid pace of technological change. The high cost of implementation and the need for continuous updates can be daunting for these smaller entities, potentially leaving them behind in the digital transformation.

The skill gap within the industry also poses a significant challenge. There is a need for a workforce proficient in both fashion design and digital technologies. Current training and education programs must evolve to equip designers and manufacturers with the necessary skills to utilize these advanced tools effectively. Bridging this skill gap is essential for the widespread adoption of DPC and ODM.

Finally, sustainability remains a critical concern. While DPC and ODM can reduce waste, the energy consumption and environmental impact of digital technologies themselves must be considered and managed. The industry must find ways to balance the benefits of digital transformation with its ecological footprint to ensure a truly sustainable future.

Addressing these challenges is crucial for the successful integration of DPC in ODM, enabling the fashion and textile industry to fully capitalize on the advantages of digital innovation.


An AI-Powered Fabric Digitization Solution



TextileCloud leverages AI to digitize fabrics, creating highly accurate and detailed digital twins of physical textiles. This technology is a game-changer for DPC and ODM, offering a multitude of key benefits.

One of the primary advantages is the precision and realism it brings to fabric digitization. AI-powered technology ensures that digital representations of fabrics are incredibly precise, capturing the texture, color, and drape of the material with remarkable accuracy. This level of realism is crucial for designers working in a digital environment, allowing them to create and visualize their designs as if they were using physical fabrics.

By creating digital fabrics, the platform streamlines the design process, enabling rapid prototyping and iteration. Designers can experiment with different materials and designs without the need for physical samples, which reduces both time and cost. This efficiency allows for quicker turnaround times and more innovative designs.

The platform helps reduce the need for physical samples, thereby minimizing waste. Digital fabric samples can be shared and evaluated without the environmental impact of shipping physical materials. This contributes to a more sustainable industry by decreasing the carbon footprint associated with traditional sampling methods.

TextileCloud is designed to be user-friendly and accessible, making advanced digital product creation tools available to a broader range of companies, including small and medium-sized enterprises. This democratization of technology allows more designers and manufacturers to benefit from cutting-edge digital tools.

The platform seamlessly integrates with other digital tools and systems, ensuring a smooth workflow from design to production. This integration helps create a cohesive digital ecosystem, enhancing collaboration and efficiency across the entire supply chain.



The convergence of DPC and ODM is transforming the fashion and textile industry, offering a more responsive, sustainable, and customized approach to manufacturing. However, realizing the full potential of these advancements requires overcoming significant challenges related to data integration, technology adoption, skill development, and sustainability.’s TextileCloud represents a significant step forward in this journey. By providing a robust, AI-powered fabric digitization solution, TextileCloud enables designers and manufacturers to harness the power of digital technologies, paving the way for a more efficient and sustainable future in fashion and textiles. As the industry continues to evolve, platforms like TextileCloud will be essential in driving innovation and supporting the transition to a fully digital manufacturing ecosystem.

Learn more with an interactive demo!


Alexis Liu

Hailing from the United Kingdom, Alexis Liu is the Head of International Business Growth at Alexis helps to bring our story to an international audience of brands, designers, and suppliers. Alexis has over twenty years of experience in B2B digital marketing and business development.