Hello. How may we help you?
Getting Started
- Configuring Your Management Module
- Create & Configure A New Organization
- Creating a Customized Address
- Mastering Advanced Search and Filters
- Understanding Your Organization's Homepage
- Understanding Role Function
- Dashboard Overview: Key Insights for Organizational Decision-Making
- Changing The Language
- Changing Your Password
- Editing Your Profile
- Feedback and Requests
- Frontier.cool Privacy Policy
- Managing Your Profile Menu
- Are all of my digital fabrics shared publicly?
- Does Frontier.cool’s TextileCloud™ offers a free trial plan?
- How do I change the language?
- How do I send feedback or make a request?
- How does Frontier.cool protect my privacy and keep my data secure?
- How does Frontier.cool’s TextileCloud™ accurately generate physical properties?
- How does Frontier.cool’s TextileCloud™ generates accurate texture maps?
- Why can't I download other people's 3D material files?
- Why is my asset upload unsuccessful or canceled?
- How does Frontier.cool’s TextileCloud™ generates environmental impact data with Eco-Impactor™?
- Accessing and Copying a Shared Collection
- Adding Assets to Collection in the Workspace
- Creating and Accessing Collections
- Creating and Managing a Private Digital Library on an Embed Page
- Managing Collections
- Managing Your Workspace
- Sharing Assets and Collections
- Edit Your Collection’s Cover Image
- Attaching Files to Support Asset Information
- Copying Assets To Group or Workspace
- Creating 3D Materials
- Creating 3D Materials for Fabrics with Mesh
- Creating Assets
- Creating Assets by Smart Upload
- Creating Assets with APEXFiz File
- Creating Assets with Multiple Fabric Sides
- Customizing Asset’s Cover Image
- Deleting Assets
- Digital Drape Overview
- Downloading 3D Material Files
- Editing An Asset
- Exploring the 3D Viewer
- Export Digital Library Data to Excel
- Importing TextileCloud™'s 3D Material Files Into CLO3D
- Integrate Your System With TextileCloud™ Using APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)
- Mass Data Update and Management
- Mass Upload Data
- Mass Upload Data with Multiple Fabric Sides
- Merge Material for Asset with Face and Back Side
- Navigating the Asset Library on Frontier.cool
- Printing an Asset
- Printing and Customizing Your QR Code Label
- TextileCloud™'s Supported 3D Material Files
- The Asset Library
- Understanding Texture Maps
- Updating Fabric Images with QR Code Labels
- Uploading Pre-Scanned Images
- Best Practices for Filling Mass Upload's Excel Template
- Frontier.cool's Fabric Physical Properties
- Unlock the Power of Eco-Impactor®
- Exploring the Key Features of the Thread Board on Frontier.cool
- Navigating Detailed Card Information in the Thread Board Module on Frontier.cool
- Navigating the Thread Board Module in Frontier.cool
- Start a DigitalThread™ Conversation
- Accessing Detailed Fabric Information on Frontier.cool
- Accessing Trade Events and Vendors on Frontier.cool
- Exploring the Sourcing Library Module on Frontier.cool
- Fabric Discovery and Information in the Frontier.cool Sourcing Library
Mood board 相關
- 使用應用程式介面 (API) 將您的系統連接至 TextileCloud™
- 探索布料資產模組
- 如何操作布料資產模組
- 如何建立布料
- 如何使用智慧上傳建立布料
- 如何用上傳已預掃描影像建立布料
- 使用 APEXFiz 檔案建立數位資產
- 了解TextileCloud™所支援的 3D 布料檔案
- 如何建立3D布料
- 如何下載3D布料以供設計或生產流程所需
- 建立網格布料的3D Material
- 編輯您的數位布料
- 自訂布料資產的封面圖像
- 如何列印布料資產的Swatch
- 將布料資產複製到團隊或工作區
- 如何批量上傳以建立布料
- 如何大量更新布料資訊
- 了解紋理貼圖(6 Texture Maps)
- Digital Drape概覽
- 如何列印與客製布料的 QR Code 標籤
- 如何建立雙面或三層數位布料
- 時尚與紡織產業的永續轉型工具: Eco-Impactor®
- 如何刪除布料
- 探索3D檢視器: 布料採購、行銷和設計不可或缺的工具
- 如何使用QR Code標籤更新您的布料資訊
- 如何將TextileCloud™的3D布料檔案導入CLO3D
- 如何批量上傳雙面或多層布料
- 如何將正面布與背面布合併成雙面布
- 如何為布料新增附件使其資訊更為完整
- 如何將數位布料匯出成Excel檔
- Frontier.cool的布料物理數據介紹
- 探索Frontier.cool的Sourcing Library 模組
- 探索Sourcing Library中的布料與相關資訊
- 了解Sourcing Library中布料的詳細資訊
- 了解Sourcing Library中的展會展示功能
Accessing Trade Events and Vendors on Frontier.cool
Introduction to Trade Event Access on Frontier.cool
In the dynamic world of fabric sourcing, staying updated with trade events is crucial. Frontier.cool's Sourcing Library Module offers a unique feature - Trade Event Showcases. Positioned near the top of the module, this feature presents a slideshow of current and past trade events. It's designed to bridge the gap for users who couldn't attend these events in person, providing valuable insights into the offerings of Frontier.cool’s vendors and partners.
Exploring Trade Event Showcases
Key Aspects of Trade Event Access
Slideshow of Events:
- The Sourcing Library Module features a prominently placed slideshow at the top, showcasing both current and past trade events.
- This visual representation gives users a quick overview of the events, making it easy to catch up on what they might have missed.
Insights into Vendors and Partners:
- These showcases are more than just a visual tour; they offer insights into the products and innovations presented by Frontier.cool’s vendors and partners.
- It's an opportunity to explore new materials, trends, and technological advancements in the fabric industry showcased at these events.
Utility for Remote Users:
- For those unable to attend the trade events in person, this feature is particularly beneficial. It provides a virtual experience of the event, ensuring that users don't miss out on crucial industry updates and opportunities.
Enhanced Sourcing Experience:
- By accessing these showcases, users can make more informed decisions in their fabric sourcing endeavors, exploring a wide range of options from global vendors.
The Trade Event Showcases within the Sourcing Library Module are a testament to Frontier.cool’s commitment to providing comprehensive and accessible fabric sourcing solutions. This feature enriches the sourcing experience, offering users valuable insights into global trade events and vendor offerings. For further information or assistance with navigating trade event showcases, the Frontier support team at support@frontier.cool is available to help. Embrace this feature to expand your sourcing horizons and stay connected with the latest in the fabric industry on Frontier.cool.