Managing Your Profile Menu

This article explains the Profile Menu and how to manage each section to edit profiles, change passwords, change languages, send feedback, privacy, and log out.


Navigating and managing your Profile Menu is an essential aspect of personalizing your experience on the platform. Located on the Textile Cloud Home Page, this menu allows you to edit your profile, change your password, select language preferences, provide feedback, review privacy policies, and log out. This article will guide you through each function within the Profile Menu.

Accessing the Profile Menu

  • Location: Bottom left-hand side of the Textile Cloud Home Page.
  • How to Access: Click the arrow next to your profile image and name.

Profile Menu Features

1. Editing Profile

  • How to Access: Click on "Edit Profile".
  • Updating Profile Picture:
    • Click the camera icon to upload a new profile picture from your local drive.
    • Image Requirements:
      • Supported formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG.
      • Minimum size: 200 x 200 px.
      • Maximum file size: 5 MB.
    • After selecting a photo, you can rotate and scale it. Click 'Save' to update.
  • Editing Display Name: Change your name as it will appear for asset management, communication, and reporting. Click 'Save' to update.

2. Changing Password

  • How to Access: Select "Change Password".
  • Process:
    • Enter your current password and a new one.
    • Password Requirements: 6-18 characters, including at least one letter.
    • Click 'Save' to update. Use 'Forgot Password' on the login screen if necessary.

3. Languages

  • How to Access: Click on "Languages".
  • Changing Language:
    • Select from English, Japanese, and Traditional Chinese.
    • Click 'Save' and return to the Home Page. Refresh your browser if the change doesn't appear immediately.

4. Sending Feedback

  • How to Access: Click on "Send Feedback".
  • Process:
    • Choose a category: Bug, Suggestion, Payment, Carbon Emissions Services, or Other.
    • Fill out the Comments section.
    • Attach files if necessary (Formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG, MP4; Max size: 20 MB).
    • Click 'Send' for your feedback to be processed.

5. Privacy

  • How to Access: Select "Privacy".
  • Viewing Privacy Policy: A hover containing the privacy policy will appear for review.

6. Logging Out

  • Process: Click "Log Out" when you wish to end your session.


The Profile Menu on is designed to make your experience as efficient and personalized as possible. Whether you're updating your profile, changing language settings, or providing valuable feedback, these tools are at your fingertips. Remember, if you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to the Frontier support team.

Enjoy your time on, and we look forward to seeing you again soon!