Importing TextileCloud™'s 3D Files Into CLO3D

How to Import and Integrate TextileCloud™’s 3D Files and Texture Maps Into CLO3D


TextileCloud™'s 3D files include 6 texture maps: Base, Normal, Displacement, Roughness, Alpha, and Metalness. However, since some maps are not standard in the .glTF format, manual addition is required when importing into design tools like CLO3D.


Before starting, ensure you have created the 3D materials within TextileCloud™ and downloaded the .glTF file.

The .glTF 3D files generated in TextileCloud™ include physical properties and 6 texture maps, all contained within a .zip file. Once downloaded, you will need to extract the .zip file.

For detailed guidelines, please refer to How to Create 3D Materials here and Downloading the 3D Material File here.

How to import a .glTF file into CLO3D:

  1. Open the CLO3D software and click the [+Add] button in the Object Browser panel.
  2. Browse and select the .glTF file you downloaded from TextileCloud™.
  3. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the .glTF file directly into the software.

    Knowledge Hub Update (6)

The .glTF standard format file includes only the normal, base, and roughness maps. Manual addition of supplementary texture maps is necessary when importing into design tools such as CLO3D.

How to import TextileCloud™'s supplementary texture maps into CLO3D:

  1. Open the [textures] folder in the .glTF file you downloaded from TextileCloud™.
  2. To include supplementary texture maps (as demonstrated with the displacement map in this example), simply drag and drop the [disp.png] file into the Displacement Map field in the Property Editor panel.
  3. You can also customize the Amount, Shift, Clipping, and other settings for the displacement map as needed.

texture maps folder


In conclusion, leveraging TextileCloud™'s 3D files and texture maps enables seamless integration into software like CLO3D, enhancing both the user experience and creative potential. By following the provided steps, designers can easily incorporate texture maps into their projects, simplifying the design process and elevating the quality of their creations.